DH1 2NE Postcode Location Details & Properties

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Eva Machova - Reviewed By Amy Lewin

This article lists all information about DH1 2NE postcode, such as Residential Properties, Schools, and nearby places. Other information listed are property sales data, trends, estimated property prices, etc.

It also covers Mailing address Info, Location Information, Map and directions, and Administrative details. You also get various information from the census like population, poverty, health index, etc.


DH1 2NE is a residential postcode in Shincliffe, County Durham. DH1 2NE postcode is currently an active postcode. You can use the postcode to send mail within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean. According to the 2011 census, DH1 2NE has 4 properties within its service area. DH1 2NE is located in Durham South, County Durham region with center coordinates 54.76094300, -1.55249300.

The population of DH1 2NE postcode is 6, and all individuals are eligible to receive mail through Royal Mail Service.

Postcode belongs to DH postcode Area, DH1 District, and DH1 2 postcode Sector.

Properties in DH1 2NE area have been sold 8 times from 1995 to 2023. To get detailed information on sales, View the sales table below.

Sample Mailing Address For DH1 2NE Postcode
#House No/Name,
Shincliffe , DURHAM , DH1 2NE

Geography And Location Details

Latitude 54.76094
Longitude -1.55249
Northing 540759
Easting 428895
Altitude 41 Meters
Grid Reference Code NZ288407
Plus Code 9C6WQC6X+92
Distance To Sea 9.87 mi

DH1 2NE postcode has center coordinates [54.76094,-1.55249]. Altitude reading for the postcode is 41 Meters above sea level. The postcode location can also be represented using #NZ288407 National grid reference number.

History And Statistics

Introduced 1980-01-01
Last Updated December 2023
Mail Frequency Low (Postcode Recieves < 25 Mail per day)
Postcode Range Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean

This Royal mail postcode was first introduced and became servicable in 1980-01-01. Total number of mails recieved in DH1 2NE is less than 25 mails per day. Mails getting delivered may take longer than normal as per Royal Mail records. Postcode range is limited to one specified apartment or building exactly at specified lat,long.

Census Statistics

Households 3
Population 6
Rural / Urban Rural village
Poverty Ratio (IOMD)
29938 / 32594
Census Output Area E00171823
Built Up Area N/A
Built Up SubDivision N/A
Lower Layer Output Super Area County Durham 041D
Middle Layer Output Super Area High Shincliffe & Bowburn

This location is a rural village. According to 2011 census, 91.85% of the people in DH1 2NE is below poverty.

Components Of Postcode

Postcode Area DH
Postcode District DH1
Postcode Sector DH1 2

Adminstration And Postcode Areas

Country England
County County Durham
District County Durham
Ward Durham South
Parish Shincliffe
Local Authority N/A
Constituency City of Durham
Region North East
ITL Level 2 Tees Valley and Durham
ITL Level 3 Durham

Amenities Available In DH1 2NE

Work Place

Nearby Work Area Durham and Bishop Auckland
Average Income £39400

Railway Station

Station Durham
Distance To Station 1.73 mi

Safety & Water Facilities

Police Force Durham
Water Company Northumbrian Water
Sewage Company N/A

Schools Nearby

School Name Postcode
Shincliffe CofE (Controlled) Primary School DH1 2PN

Property Sales In DH1 2NE

Address Property Type Price Date
2 CHAPTER COTTAGES, DURHAM, DH1 2NE Terraced (Freehold) £75,000
1 CHAPTER COTTAGES, DURHAM, DH1 2NE Terraced (Freehold) £119,500

Demographic of property sales [1995-2023]

Latest Property Sales Value

Average Property Price in 2023 135205 GBP
Average Price of Flats in 2023 100944 GBP
Average Price of Terraced property in 2023 102309 GBP
Average Price of Semi-Detached property in 2023 141353 GBP
Average Price of Detached Property in 2023 262687 GBP

Public Transport Near DH1 2NE

Bus Stops

Stop Location Distance
The Rosetree
opposite Rose Tree (PH) (SE-bound), A177, Shincliffe
207.07 metres
The Rosetree
Outside Rose Tree (PH) (NW-bound), A177, Shincliffe
211.28 metres
Seven Stars
adjacent to Seven Stars (PH) (NW-bound), Willow Tree Avenue, Shincliffe
371.87 metres
Seven Stars
adj. Springwell Cottage (SE-bound), Willow Tree Avenue, Shincliffe
429.75 metres
NW of entrance to Houghall College (NW-bound), A177, Shincliffe
466.63 metres

Railway Stations

Station Location Distance
Durham Rail Station
2.79 km
Chester-le-Street Rail Station
10.55 km
Bishop Auckland Rail Station
Bishop Auckland
14.08 km
Bishop Auckland West Station
Bishop Auckland
14.25 km
Seaham Rail Station
15.85 km


Airport Location Distance
Durham Tees Valley Airport
Teesside Airport
28.86 km
Newcastle International Airport
32.36 km

Companies Located Near DH1 2NE



Tintagel High Street, High Shincliffe, Durham, United Kingdom DH1 2PF



Bank Top High Street, High Shincliffe, Durham, United Kingdom DH1 2PF



7 Hillcrest, High Shincliffe, Durham, England DH1 2PQ



Shincliffe Hall, Shincliffe, Durham, England DH1 2SY

Top Influential People Who Live In / Near DH1 2NE

DUNCAN, Paul Robson

DUNCAN, Paul Robson Managing Director

School House, Bank Foot Shincliffe, Durham, DH1 2PD

LIGHTLEY, John George Taylor

LIGHTLEY, John George Taylor Retired

25 Hill Meadows, High Shincliffe, Durham, County Durham, DH1 2PE

HATELEY, William

HATELEY, William Retired

27 Hill Meadows, High Shincliffe, Durham, DH1 2PE


HUDSON, John Retired

17 Hill Meadows, High Shincliffe, Durham, DH1 2PE

MEARS, Harry Stainsby

MEARS, Harry Stainsby Retired

12 Hill Meadows, High Shincliffe, Durham, County Durham, DH1 2PE

THOMSON, Robert Douglas, Reverend

THOMSON, Robert Douglas, Reverend Retired Clergyman

11 Hill Meadows, High Shincliffe, Durham, County Durham, DH1 2PE


ERRINGTON, Keith Nurse Tutor

30 Hill Meadows, High Shincliffe, Durham, DH1 2PE

BEWLEY, Elizabeth

BEWLEY, Elizabeth Teacher

Tintagel, High Street, High Shincliffe, Durham, United Kingdom DH1 2PF


BEWLEY, Helen Company Director

Tintagel, High Street, High Shincliffe, Durham, United Kingdom DH1 2PF


BEWLEY, Neil Teacher

Tintagel, High Street, High Shincliffe, Durham, United Kingdom DH1 2PF

Other Postcodes Nearby

Postcode Distance from DH1 2NE
(In Meters)
DH1 2SY 714.99
DH1 2PN 1042.72
DH1 2PF 955.70
DH1 2PE 820.30
DH1 2PH 929.22
DH1 2PG 874.51
DH1 2PQ 796.88
DH1 2PD 618.79
DH1 3SJ 854.03
DH1 2SZ 269.12

Frequently Asked Questions

You can send mail to anyone living in DH1 2NE through Royal Mail Service.

  • Copy the sample address and add property name/number to it.
  • if required add the recipient's name.
  • You can also browse the list of properties to find out the exact address.
  • Once you have noted down the address write it down on your To section of the envelope.
  • Drop the envelope in your nearest post office.

To calculate distance between your current location and DH1 2NE just follow this link

The recent average sale price of a property in DH1 2NE is 135205 GBP. But pricing may vary depending on the property type, For more details check the above table.

Find all schools near the postcode listed in the schools section of this article.

Its located in Shincliffe, County Durham. View the map section for more details.

There are 3 properties in DH1 2NE as per Royal mail database.

To get directions to reach DH1 2NE follow this link.
